Unlock new levels of on-chain speed for your trading experience

Experience the true speed of a trading bot with Spyby, because we care on speed over the amount of users.

Our Products

Start trading in a matter of seconds


Start trading from everywhere in just a few seconds by using the Spyby Telegram bot. Trading has never been easier.

Explore our Features

What makes Spyby so special?

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Ultimate Speed

We attach great importance to the fact that the number of users per RPC node is limited. In this way, we guarantee a high speed for all users.

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Hybrid Fees

We all don’t like fees, but they are the foundation to power our systems. That’s why we introduce hybrid fees. Pay 0.09% to a maxium of up to 0.5 SOL per trade.

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Own RPC Nodes

To ensure the maximum speed for your transactions, we run own RPC nodes. This way we can guarantee the speed by controlling how many users can do transactions over this node.

Early Access

Be the first one to use Spyby

Spyby is about to launch very soon...

Since we introduce a hard user-cap for our bot usage are you already able to sign up for a waitlist. This way you can be one of the first users to use the next top notch trading bot technology. So don’t miss your chance to get your next advantage over all other traders.

“Once the humans recognize the potential of something, everyone seeks a way to exploit it in a better way than anyone else.”

~ Spyby Founder